Imagine this: The world’s best teachers, teaching the world’s most enthusiastic learners. In a city near you.

That’s our vision - starting with business education. Our mission is to make world-class business education affordable & accessible to everyone, and deliver it through the most effective learning experience possible.

At Accel Institute, our teaching approach focuses on practicality & applicability over theory & terminology.

Our teachers are entrepreneurs & active builders at heart. There’s no time for analysis paralysis. We equip you with skills you can use in your career or business tomorrow.

About us

We believe in the power of short, but targeted, learning programs.

Research shows that even basic business education boosts outcomes for small businesses. You don’t need long programs. You just need effective programs.

About us

Effective learning = engaged learning. Engagement means interaction. Interaction means community.

We believe that interacting in person is a critical component of building a community. So our focus is on face-to-face courses that facilitate community-building & networking, and deliver superior learning experiences & outcomes, versus a predominantly online approach.

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